Appalachian Species & Grades

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Walnut Prime

Walnut Prime yields at least 83-1/3% clear-face cuttings and 66-2/3% on the back. Minimum cutting sizes of 3” x 6’ or 4” x 3’. NWH pulls this grade higher than typical NHLA standards and is steamed to enhance the chocolate brown heartwood and darken the sapwood. The 6’ and 7’ boards are graded for clear face cuttings and not defect graded as NHLA allows. Ideal for applications requiring long, wide clear-face cuttings or multiple rips and chops. We also offer a 90/90, unsteamed Walnut Prime. We grade after drying and surfacing, and against all natural dying or surfacing defects (pin knot no defect).
  • – Cabinets And Entry Doors
  • – Casegoods
  • – Furniture
Other Grades Available:
Front 1
Back 1
Front 2
Back 2
Front 3
Back 3

Built With NWH