Appalachian Species & Grades


Other Common Names: American Walnut or Eastern Black Walnut NWH’s Walnut is grown in both the Glacial and Appalachian regions. American Walnut is one of the most coveted native hardwoods. It is in a class by itself. The sapwood of Walnut is nearly white, while the heartwood is light brown to dark, chocolate brown, often with a purplish cast and darker streaks. NWH Walnut is steamed to enhance the chocolate brown heartwood and darken the sapwood. The wood is heavy, hard, and stiff and with a high shock resistance. It is generally coarse-textured and produces distinctive grain patterns. Walnut is used for dining room and bedroom furniture, bookcases, desks, tables, cabinets, shotguns and rifles, and interior finishes.
Grades Available:


  • Machining9
  • Nailing7
  • Screwing7
  • Gluing7
  • Finishing9

Properties of Walnut

It is a dense wood, but it machines, nails and glues without difficulty. Walnut has good bending properties, manufactures and stains well and can be polished to an exceptional finish.

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