Glacial Species & Grades
Walnut FAS/1F
Walnut FAS/1F is our highest-yielding grade, yielding a 83-1/3% clear-face cutting and 66-2/3% on the back. Minimum cutting sizes of 3ā x 6ā or 4ā x 3ā. NWH pulls this grade higher than typical NHLA standards and is steamed to enhance the chocolate brown heartwood and darken the sapwood. The minimum heartwood is 85/0 on the better face or 50/85 if not on the grade face. The 6ā and 7ā boards are graded for clear face cuttings and not defect graded as NHLA allows. Ideal for applications requiring long, wide clear-face cuttings or multiple rips and chops.
We grade after drying and surfacing, and against all natural drying or surfacing defects (pin knot no defect).
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